Life Skills

Players can develop skills and attributes as they are playing within Metalife. They come in two categories. Each category has specific paths with which levels you can grow through the game.

The player can learn valuable skills. The players can use these skills to accomplish tasks, earn capital, improve/build assets, form alliances, and interact with different players.

Skill Type

Soft and physical skills which are not easy to teach. The player can interact with the game in more complex ways than just learning a work skill by learning these skills.

These skills allow Metalife players to have more complex interactions and earn $LIFE Token.


Each path has its primary stat. The amount the stat grows depends on the activities done and also the Players's natural attributes. As the player hits certain thresholds, they gain levels in that stat.

Though each path focuses on one stat, Players can gain stats in multiple paths at once from games and events. Across both Personal and Occupational.

Personal Paths


The player's personal physical and health status. The physical path gives the player more energy to accomplish more.

The social skills and status. As the player goes through various games, they'll interact with different players and people. The social skills they get from this path determine whether they'll be able to unlock relationship-based rewards.

The players' spiritual skills. The skill represents the person's ability to control their mind and manage the transcendent world. If spiritual skills grow, the player will be able to play certain activities above their current capabilities. This can allow them to level different skills higher than normal.

This represents a person's dating life and skills. The player can form relationships of all kinds better as they go through the dating path. Those relationships determine their earning potential over time.

Work Paths


A player learns the business skills necessary to be an executive. The peek of that path is somebody with the skills necessary to run an international conglomerate. An executive does sales, management, and partnerships.

The player takes the path of becoming an engineer. The engineer is responsible for creating great inventions and solutions for various problems. Players develop systems, inventions, and methodologies to accomplish any goal. The engineer will be able to create systems and items periodically to speed their growth in other tasks.

The player works to become a doctor. They study biological sciences and medicine to improve others' lives.

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